Environment and Sustainability at Dunalastair Estate

Availability & Booking

We are working hard to make the estate environmentally sound and to reduce our carbon footprint.

Carbon Reduction by Forestry

Existing Woodland within Dunalastair Estate - 948ha (2341 acres)

Within the last 10yrs the Estate has planted approx. 160ha (395ac) of new woodland which will  sequester approx. 35,700 t/CO2

Over 260,000 new trees (commercial and native) have been planted over the last 10yrs


Dunalastair includes a great variety of habitats; the low ground pasture lies around the farms and the land then rises to become extensive hills of heather, including the western half of Schiehallion.  There are pine woods, birch and beech woods and many other native species of trees and plants, as well as some extremely rare plants in sites designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest.

We are currently blocking hill drains to improve the wetland habitat and to make water run off more slowly to stop flooding downstream.


Wild red grouse inhabit the moorland as well as red deer, ptarmigan, hen harriers, eagles and breeding waders such as golden plover. Black grouse  and roe deer inhabit the lower ground amongst the willow and birch woods.  There are also rare moths here such as the Rannoch Brindled Beauty.

The low ground and around the loch is the place to see all manner of wildlife from ospreys to red squirrels, pine marten to otters and of course deer, buzzards, gold finches and Scottish crossbill.  There are fascinating ducks, geese and whooper swans as well.  It is a great place for bird watching.  

East Schiehallion was sold to the John Muir Trust in 2000 and that organisation has repaired the footpath up Schiehallion, as it had become an eyesore and environmentally damaged from the many feet tramping up it.  We retain West Schiehallion where sheep graze and some new forestry has been planted.

Our third time staying at Balmore. The location is fantastic for exploring and relaxing amongst the wildlife.....

Hydro Electric Scheme

We run a small hydro electric turbine(350kw) providing renewable electricity to the grid and a free EV charger for the public.  The turbine house can be seen behind Brown's garage on the Meal Dubh path with a visual display in the window and a good view of the turbine machine as well as some antique turbines.

Sustainable Farming

Our cattle are mainly grass fed around the hills and fields of the estate.  We have a pedigree Luing herd of around 150 breeding cows.  And we have joined the Beef Efficiency Scheme, the object of which is to assist in the development of suckler herds to become as efficient as possible. Increasing efficiency will reduce the emissions from beef production and also improve overall herd profitability making a herd more sustainable both economically and environmentally.  The Scheme includes a carbon audit of the farm which will be useful in helping us to make sure our carbon footprint is a low as possible.